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Feb 25, 2020

Episode 128

Today I am speaking to Hanna Bier about what is family constellation therapy.

Hanna Bier is an Energy Healer and Family Constellation Therapist helping ambitious women heal deeply and create lives beyond their wildest dreams.

She has worked with over a thousand women from around the world, helping them achieve new levels of success in their love-based businesses, fall in love with the perfect mate for them, as well as grow lighter + brighter and live more abundantly than ever before.

In this episode, you will discover what is family constellation therapy is and how it can help you create an amazing life.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • How Hanna realized that she was seeing something that other people could not see
  • How Hanna started to open up to the idea that her clairvoyance could actually help people.
  • Why Hanna dealt with rejection from therapists and psychiatrists and why she did not want to live her life on medication.
  • The experience that Hanna had that led her to try new things to help her heal her trauma.
  • How Hanna turned her life into one big experiment.
  • How Hanna started to teach yoga at the local park.
  • How Hanna finally allowed herself to discover that she could truly help others.
  • The promise that Hanna made to only do work if she could get people results.
  • How your family system affects you?
  • What is family constellation therapy can help you heal and allow your energy to move.
  • Understanding that a huge advantage of family constellation therapy is that in order to heal you don’t need your family to be present.
  • How to know when do you need family constellation therapy?


Shareable Quotes:

  • "Everything that you experience in your life gets stored in your energy field. Your personality is stored in your energy field and your family system also has an energy field. It's basically like an energy bubble." - Hanna Bier
  • "Humans are similar to wolf packs or to groups of horses. There's kind of an inherent hierarchy that feels best. Every person within the family system has a role and when everybody is in the right place, people have lots of space to grow." - Hanna Bier
  • "The Internet is a magical thing, especially for us energy healers because we don't have to be just confined to a brick and mortar with people who are in our town. You can shift things in an instant and you can help people from all over the world." - Emily Aarons
  • "As soon as it clicked where was I supposed to be, I felt a sense of rightness, a sense of relief." - Emily Aarons


Resources to Take You Deeper: