Oct 13, 2020
Episode 203
If you’ve done energy clearing work, such as my Intuition Week, your body needs time to recover. When you shift energy, when you clear your energy blocks – you are ascending.
What’s happening is that after this type of ascending, or clearing, your body is trying to catch up with your energy.
Energy before form is what they say...
Having ascension pains or struggles with physically processing your experiences after big shifts are NORMAL.
But that doesn’t mean you can skip caring for yourself after the shifts or that everyone will experience it in the same way.
Find out what I was yelling at the Intuition Week participants that applies to anything you do that shifts your energy.
I wasn’t really yelling, but I was repeating myself loudly to drive this point home. I've been doing energy clearing work for over 20 years now and recovery is integral to integrating this new energy.
It’s as important as clearing the energy in the first place.
I felt a HUGE nudge from spirit to share information about Ascension Pain Symptoms and how to recover from them. Not only that, but I'm also using myself as a real-life example to share what recovering looks like.
Highlights you won’t want to miss:
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