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Jan 26, 2021

Episode 233

I’ve been a healer for the past 20 years and for the majority of that time, I was what you would call a “broke healer”.

My methods for creating abundance had all the things you’re supposed to have and yet, it kept me on a broke hamster wheel that I just could not get off of!

I priced myself like...

Jan 25, 2021

Episode 232

Happy January 25th AND Day 1 of Intuition Week!!

The reading for this week is unbelievable. It's reminding you that it's safe to be you and to not back away from the big goals you've set for the new year.

It's also pointing you towards finding a way to safely express them with like-minded...

Jan 19, 2021

Episode 231

Let’s talk auras, shall we?

Aura’s are one of those topics that you can get really into and explore in-depth… and if you feel inspired to do that, I’m all for it.

But in this podcast episode, I’m sharing an overview of auras at a higher level and letting you know what to watch out for if you are a...

Jan 18, 2021

Episode 230

Happy January 18th!!

I kind of love this week's message about using your mindset and energy to manifest the things you desire! It feels like it's getting us ready for a big year ahead!


21. Manifestation: You are a manifesting machine

You’re literally a manifesting machine....

Jan 12, 2021

Episode 229

Let’s start by saying 2020 is over! Yay! “Everybody do a shimmy,” as Kim Woods says in this episode.

Let me tell you, Kim and I have been doing these astrology forecasts together for several years now and she never disappoints.

This year seems even more important than ever.

The energy of 2020...