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Jun 30, 2020

Episode 172

Today I am speaking to Nikki Lyn about how to use eft tapping for business success.

Nikki Lynn is a Women’s Empowerment Coach and Founder of The Zenly Shop, a holistic lifestyle company. Her goal is to help you raise your vibration through daily transformative self-care practices.

In this episode, we...

Jun 29, 2020

Episode 171

Hey there lightworker!

Yesterday was my birthday so I pulled an extra card for us! I have to say this week is all about living your TRUE self. Your most successful life NOW, today, not someday!

Last call for the BMS Mastermind! If you KNOW you're supposed to work with me and you're craving a high-level of...

Jun 23, 2020

Episode 170

In this episode, I dive deep into how to overcome imposter syndrome in your business and I share the five questions I ask myself every time, I experience imposter syndrome in my business.

I am excited to have this conversation with you today because we are going to talk about 2 important topics that I love...

Jun 22, 2020

Episode 169

Hey there lightworker!

Stop, drop, and realign with your highest!! You've got to listen to your energy is it tight and anxious or worried feeling? When was your last break?

You can't PUSH your way to success its time to begin to ALLOW it. Now is your time but you must be specific.

The problem you might be...

Jun 16, 2020

Episode 168

In this episode, I dive deep into how to clear money blocks that are hurting your business, stopping you from growing, and receiving abundance.

So today's episode is all about abundance. Like I said, but one of the things that you might not realize is one of the biggest blocks for abundance is actually the...