Aug 29, 2019
Do you find yourself more focused on the strategies of your business, or more on the creative and nurturing side? These are aspects of your masculine and feminine energies, each of which play an important role in your success. The secret to your growth is finding a way to balance both energies; being aware when you may...
Aug 27, 2019
Let's face it, we've all had those "weird" experiences and this episode allows us to be a fly on the wall for some pretty remarkable stuff with Nagendra. I'm excited to take you into the woo with this episode. Some of you may be scratching your heads at what we're diving into while others will be nodding along...
Aug 26, 2019
This week is about moving forward with the support of your angels!
39. Guardian Angels: Infinite support is
You’ve been working so hard! When you pull this card, 100 guardian
angels appear around. Allow them to alleviate your anxiety, worry,
doubt, and stress. Take a deep breath and...
Aug 22, 2019
Where are you on your journey in your business? Are those “perfect strategies” that have worked so amazingly well for others working for you? In this episode, Emily shares how to take those “perfect” strategies and make them perfect for YOU.
We all know there is no shortage of amazing strategies out there for...
Aug 20, 2019
In this episode Jill and Emily jam on what it's like to have
ease and alignment after feelings of breakdown. Jill gives the
listeners her process to ask themselves "what do I REALLY want" and
how can I allow that in? We find it's in the white space where all
the answers reveal themselves.
Jill Stanton is the...